So, after the 5th round of the Winter Pairs (the Buchanan Club's main pairs championship). I think we can safely say that Norman and I are out of contention for the top prize. Only three of our 5 scores so far are even above average, and even two 70%'s in the last two rounds probably wouldn't be enough. John DiMambro and Hugh McCash look like comfortable favourites, in first place, and with a 4th score that they could easily beat over the next two rounds (top 4 scores from the 7 sessions count towards the total). Danny and Anna are currently sitting second, and may have some chance of keeping that rank, although apparently they'll be missing for March and April.
Here's one board which I'm pretty sure I misplayed.
I played in 4H by North on the lead of the club 6. Initially, t looks like I've got 10 tricks whenever the trumps behave - losing two diamonds and a trump. However, If the clubs are 3-3, I can pitch a diamond on one of the clubs. I'm almost certain I should have done this, since even if East does only have two clubs, she's ruffing a diamond loser, and there's very little worry about the defence getting a trump promotion. (if anyone does have AT98, then they've got two trump tricks anyway). However, at the table, I convinced myself that East's lead was honest, and didn't look any further than drawing trumps.
In fact, I think pitching a diamond on a club might be better even if you're playing teams - if East has AT9x, then she has to give up one of her trump tricks to ruff your diamond loser, and you make when the trumps are breaking badly (although there is some risk of a trump promotion on certain lay-outs, I think).
All in all, not a very well played hand, and pretty much typical of the evening. We had another board where Norman opened a strong NT, and I decided to drive to grand holding KQx AQ976 AK843 -, not even bothering to check whether we had the all-important king of hearts. We didn't, but it was onside, so that was 100% of the matchpoints on that board, but still not enough to rescue our scorecard. We made too many loose leads, and let through too many unnecessary overtricks, as well as getting our share of bad luck.
Hopefully we'll fare a little better tonight, as it's the semi-final of the District Pairs. I'm sure I'll have something to report after that.
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