Thursday, 18 December 2014

Peebles Part II - Sunday Afternoon Teams

We started out Sunday at table 1, but things went down from there - we managed to finish the entire weekend with exactly twice as many VPs as we had at the end of Friday, so suffice to say Sunday was not a success. The same can't be said for the other teams we were staying with - Phil, Frazer, Alex and Phil managed to stay the course and win the event - eventually on a tiebreak from Ian Sime's team. We played them in the second match on Sunday, and the board below was most of the difference 

This was the most exciting board of the Sunday afternoon. 

This was the auction at our table. I decided to settle for a simple 4♠ on the first round, but didn't feel like defending was the right decision with my hand. Not a decision my partner was impressed by, although technically 5♣ can be made. 5♠X should be cheap over this, as there are 10 top tricks, but I managed to go for 300, having been given a chance of the full 650... 

Alex led the ♥7 to the J and A, and I dropped the ♥9 (because, why not?). Phil cashed the ♦A, then thought for a while before playing another ♦. I can now make this. Running all the ♠s squeezes West in ♥s and ♣s (although I have to read the end position right). Instead, I cashed a few ♠s, and then took the ♣ finesse, going two off (if the ♠s were 1-1, I would have taken the ruffing finesse instead). 

Our team-mates managed to double 4♠ on the board, so that wasn't exactly a win. Ian and Jun had the most unusual auction to discuss at dinner: 

I suspect Ian's plan was to be doubled in 4♠, but instead he managed to buy it in 3NT - which is after all likely to be making when he's pretty sure that partner has at least one ♠. Jun had a chance to make all 13 tricks when west led a low ♥ (East is squeezed in three suits when he runs everything) but was quite happy with 11 tricks.

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