Sunday, 12 January 2014

Peebles Part VI: Swiss Teams final session

I didn't manage to get any hand records from the final session of the Swiss teams, as had to run off at the end to get my lift (which also meant I didn't get to stay for the prize-giving, but I'm sure those M&S vouchers will eventually find their way to me..). I only remember one hand, which I'll post below. However, I'll start off with a play problem from the second session.

I'm not actually sure what the lead was, or in fact who was declarer. Let's say you play 4♥ from the East hand, and South leads the ♦9, covered by his partner's ♦T (I know it was played in 4♥ at Paul G's table, but I don't actually know what seat he was sitting in).

Here's the only hand I remember. It was from the match we played against Ian Sime's team (we were playing Mike Ash and partner, Sime and Mathieson at the other table). I misbid it horribly, to end up in a ridiculously bad contract, which needed two finesses right... and was in a position to claim at trick one!

I just didn't know how to bid a 27 point hand, and decided that I really didn't need much from Jun's hand for there to be 13 tricks, but wasn't convinced he had 5♥s. I think this was a classic case of SJ Simon's overbidding good hands (although I wouldn't accuse Jun of underbidding his bad one - his bidding was impeccable on this one. At the other table, Mathieson opened 2♣, Sime bid 2♥ showing exactly 2 controls, (King counting as one), and Mathieson rebid 2N - he then jumped to 7♥ over his partner's transfer. I didn't bid 2N because I know it shows 23-24 points. This was crazy. After Jun failed to give a double negative, he can't pass a 2N rebid, and I can always decide to set the level of the final contract higher than intended. With a 27 point hand, I think I can afford to take charge in the auction. Anyway, as I said, I could claim at trick 1... Mike Ash led the ♦7. Assuming he hadn't gone insane, he was hardly likely to be leading from the either the K or the J into my hand on this auction, so I could have put my hand down then and there. I didn't, because if he had led away from the J, there was a legitimate chance he'd be squeezed on the run of the hearts (he did have the 4th club), so I played out all the cards before taking the marked finesse at trick 12.

Flattening that board saved a total of 1 VP, as we lost that match 19-1, and with an 18-2 and a 10-10 (I think) in our other two matches in that session, we finished the competition in a creditable 8th place. So overall, that left me 2nd, 5th and 8th not a bad record for the winter Peebles Congress. Certainly the best I've ever managed. Aim for this year has to be to actually win something... 

1 comment:

  1. On the first hand I'm thinking cross-ruff, win two Diamonds then eight trumps. The 9D and TD on first trick doesn't look like anyone's got a singleton. If someone ruffs one of my Diamonds I'd instead try and set up the Spades.

    On the second hand, am I right in thinking that 7H isn't great either, still needing a Heart finesse?
