Saturday, 30 November 2013

East District Swiss Pairs

Played in the East District Swiss Pairs with Martin Stephens last weekend. We didn't manage to scrape a prize, despite qualifying for the "bronze" category... it was also the weekend of the Camrose Trials, so there were a few people in the pub afterwards, and we had some fairly lively discussion of the hands. It was good fun, and hopefully we'll get some of the same people out in Peebles in a couple of weeks. Not going to write up many hands, but here's one that got very different results at several different tables. 
♠ A T 9 8 6 5
♥ 7
♦ 8 2 
♣ A 9 4 2
♠ Q 7
♥ K T 6 5 4
♦ Q 9 6 3
♣ 6 3
♠ K 2
♥ Q 9 8 3
♦  A K 7 4
♣ T 7 5
♠ J 4 3 
♥ A J 2
♦ J T 5 
♣ K Q J 8


Yes - that is what actually happened at the table of Danny Hamilton and Krzysztof Nguyen, who went on to win the second bronze prize. Having decided not to open the north cards, their opponent was then willing to let them settle in 2♥. At our table, Martin decided that with 7 losers and two aces, and a clear re-bid, he was going to open 1♠. This worked out well, getting us to 4 in comfort. I'd probably still bid 4 if he'd opened 2♠, but with less confidence. 

Our fourth match of the day was against Jun and Yvonne, both Scottish junior internationals, who we've been playing with a reasonable amount at Martin's house, meeting up in the pub for discussion etc. The match was good fun, although I assume we were loud enough to annoy some of the other people in the room. The big board in that match was this one, which I didn't bid particularly well, but ended up in an excellent contract, which unfortunately stood no chance of making... 
♠ 6
♥ A 9 
♦ K T 9 7 5 3 2 
♣ K T 7
♠ Q J 8 2
♥ Q 8 5 2
♦ -
♣ Q 9 8 5 2
♠ K T 4 3
♥ 7 4
♦  J 8 6 4
♣ 6 4 3
♠ A 9 7 5 
♥ K J T 6 3
♦ A Q
♣ A J 

After Martin just kept bidding diamonds on the second round, I figured 6NT was likely to be a reasonable spot, and just bid it. If it made, this would have been enough for more than 90% of the matchpoints, as almost no-one else was in a slam, and those that were were in diamonds. However, when Yvonne found the spade lead I could no longer handle the 4-0 break in diamonds, and had to hook the club (which was right), and then hope for Qxx of hearts with Jun (I couldn't work the entries to play for Qxx of hearts with Yvonne, and I don't think it matters which opponent I play for the Q, as I'm playing for hearts 3-3. Unfortunately, the Q was wrong, and I ended up going about 4 off... (I figured playing for 1 down was a waste of time, and I was correct - even those in 6♦ were making it, as they could ruff the hearts out.

Unlucky, but my bidding was still terrible - there's no reason Martin shouldn't have the ♠K for his bid as well, in which case I can easily count 13 tricks. Even with his actual hand, 7♦ makes every time the diamonds are 3-1 or better, and 7NT is almost as good (just needing heats or clubs to generate an extra trick between them, which seems pretty likely), so my leap to slam was a little bit premature - I should probably just bid 4♦, or 4♣ if that would be a cue bid. 

Anyway, it was a good event, nice to have a gang of younger players (as well as Danny, Krzysztof, myself, Martin, Jun and Yvonne, Jake Corry organised and played in the event, and Martin's wife Sally was playing with one of the juniors from one of the Edinburgh clubs. Hopefully well get slightly better results at Peebles.

Edited to add: Danny also wrote up an account of his experience at his blog.

1 comment:

  1. You definitely did misbid the second board. What you want is to underbid to 3NT by South, making +3 on a Club lead.

    Are there any hand records online?
